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Question about shed

09-13-2010, 02:23 PM

My corn snake just had his second shed. The first one went off without a problem, full shed and one piece. When I looked into his viv this morning I saw the shed skin but 1/4-1/5 was missing! After closer inspection I found it about an inch from the rest. The head came off fine as did the rest of the body as far as I can see. What I am concerned about is if there is some skin left on him. After picking him up and throughly inspecting him I cant find a hint of leftover shed. His entire body is shiny, wet-looking and vivid. No dull spots, etc. I'm assuming that it all came off in those two pieces but when you put it together it looks like a very litle tiny bit is missing about 1/4 of the way down from his head. Any ideas? ALso the humidity was around 59%-64% the entire time (its the humidity in my room generally.)

09-13-2010, 04:11 PM
I wouldn't worry about the shed, as long as the snake looks good. Next time you could add a moist hide to be sure, but it sounds like you're doing great with him so far.

09-13-2010, 04:12 PM
The missing scrap is probably stuck to something in the tank or under the substrate. They can pull the sheds about a lot as they wriggle out of it and the sheds are very moist and easily torn when fresh.

If you can't see it on him, then it probably isn't.