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Problem with feeder size availability ...

10-01-2010, 07:37 PM
I have been following the Munson plan with both of my corns. Russ is about to be 30 grams, which means I should be switching him to regular fuzzies soon. The problems is is that my petstore where I get my feeders from only sells one type of fuzzy. These fuzzies are small, and so I haven't had a problem till now. Now that Russ needs to move up I'm a bit confused as to what to do. I only have two snakes now, and not enough freezer room to order online. Any thoughts are appreciated!

10-01-2010, 07:44 PM
Do know the average weight of the fuzzies your pet store has? A fuzzy that is 5-9 grams will work. If the fuzzies are closer to 5 grams, you might be able to get away with feeding a 5 gram fuzzy and a 1-3 gram pinkie. I think. Those with more experience, is this correct?

10-01-2010, 10:10 PM
I only have available pinkies, fuzzies, hoppers and adults. These sizes tend to vary a bit, especially at different times of year. I've actually never weighed any of my feeder items, but I would say going with various feeder items that add up to the suggested weight is an option, but don't worry too much about following the plan absolutely religiously, as it's only a suggested guide. I follow the Munson plan loosely, but find it a bit aggressive, so I usually wait until the snake is bigger than suggested before moving up a size. Also, because of sizes available to me, my snakes were on pinkies until big enough for fuzzies and hoppers until big enough for adults, etc. Use the rule of feeding a prey item no bigger than 1.5 times the girth of the snake as a backup or instead of the Munson plan, if you can't get the exact sizes mentioned.

10-02-2010, 10:26 AM
Just feed your snake two or three, it's no big deal. Don't make it so complicated!

10-02-2010, 02:54 PM
I agree, weigh the size you can get in fuzzies and compare to the recommended weight for your snakes size, then use pinks to get closer. The snake won't mind eating more than one feeder :D