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What happend to it?

02-28-2011, 08:55 PM
So let me start and say I havent made a thread in a while and felt like one was needed and somthing gave me a decent reason to.
The Story back in January, one of my 2010 baby escaped on me. My snake room is pretty much built to be made snake proof and I spent alot of time moving things and looking for him even put up traps and couldent find him. I had pretty much giving up but last week while I had the rodents getting heated , my dog came across this little corn and was strikeing and acting normaly I quickly got it and set it up with some water and let it drink. Now for the weird part I went to look him over the next day and saw a small iregluar black dot under its chin nothing major but when i went to inspect the snake almost went into a ( StarGazeing ) sorta behavior (no sunkissed gene) with it putting its head vertical and then almost in a werid twisting type function almost like it looses control and auto does this function, after a while it will return to normal and every time I am checking it and when i touch it this behavior happens and it just lashign ist head and swings all over the place, Picture a hognose playing dead but if it kept throwing its head up I have offered food but hasnt showed intrest.
My thoughts on this is babys get dehydrated very quickly and wondered if this somehow cuased permant damage. He was big and healthy when I lost him so something withen this time had to happen and the water was my only guess.
So was wondering if anyone had any thouhgts or input on this.
Its a Hypo motley,

03-01-2011, 01:44 AM
Sometimes coming into contact with pesticides can cause neurological damage. Is there any way that could have happened? It could also just be freaking out way too much... if the behavior keeps happening then it might be neurological. I hope he eats for you.

03-01-2011, 07:50 AM
Did your dog manage to bite it at all? Im not really sure what it could be, but pesticides could be an option. Who knows what your baby could have gotten into while out and about. Maybe the black dot is a mite?

03-01-2011, 10:22 AM
It does sound neurological to me. I'd put money on the dog managing to injure it in some way. A mark under the chin could indicate a blow, crush or nip to the head, which could be enough to cause damage to the brain even with minimal external impact.

Cats and dogs can be very efficient at finding escapees but they seem fascinated with the way snakes move and can't resist "playing" if they get the opportunity.