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Some Suggestions??

04-12-2011, 10:10 AM
I have had my Corn for about 6 weeks now. He has his last two feedings successful on pinky rats. Prior to that I had some trouble feeding fuzzies, and had a few unsuccessful attempts with only one feeding on fuzzy. I give that info, because he has had only one poop since I have had him in six weeks. In handling, I do notice a slight buldge in that tail area. Today is feeding day again, and I intend to feed, and I have inquired about this before, but have I constipated him by changing types of rodents and is there anything I can do to help him pass? Or is everything within the realm of normalcy, and I am just being worrysome for no reason? My temps are fine, and other than this, my guy is a great addition thus far with no issues.