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Pesticide spray Indoors

01-15-2012, 12:52 PM
We recently have spotted a few cockroaches indoors and a whole colony outside in our backyard. This morning my mom found two in the living room. She is paranoid about our house turning into one of those seen in "Infested" on animal Planet. She then proceeded to spray "Indoor Bug remover" all over in the living room, because that's what it said on the package. I tried to explain to her just because it says indoors doesn't mean it's safe for humans or animals. She has two small dogs & I have two cats and 1 Corn. My room is all the way down the hall away from the living room. I have my door closed and window open. I was wondering if my Corn will be okay and unaffected from the spray? My have all the windows in the house open as well. I also would like some alternatives that my mom could look into to prevent roaches from coming indoors.

~Thank you.

01-15-2012, 03:03 PM
I can't say for sure whether or not your corn will be fine, but if your room is ventilated, I wouldn't worry.
What I do suggest is diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle this around the entire perimeter of your house.
I don't think this is food grade, but if you can get your hands on some food-grade DE, that would be even better. This stuff is amazing. And as long as you aren't a bug, it's totally harmless. Unless one of your dogs is a garbage disposal that licks anything possible.

01-15-2012, 03:04 PM
I meant to add a link with information. Here:
