View Full Version : Need a few tips with a baby

Need a few tips with a baby

09-10-2012, 09:31 PM
Some info that might be useful for the situation:

The same day I bought "Ghost", a friend of mine bought one of Ghost's brothers, this guy:


They're both from 08/17/2012 and were last fed on 29th August at the shop. Now my issues begin. Ghost shed on 04 September, his brother didn't shed yet. Ghost and his first meal at home on 05 September, his brother haven't ate yet...

He tried two times, leaving a pinky overnight and the baby haven't touched it. From I can see from his "viv" his to open spaced, so maybe the snake doesn't feel that much secure in it.

He's staying at my house for a few days to see if I can feed him. I've done a few changes to the viv and has way less open space now, provided a lot of hiding places and a nice little box for him. He was hiding under the paper before and probably not getting enough warm. He's also near to Ghost's viv now to share the heat mattress. His viv temperature is way better now so I hope he gets more comfortable during the night and I can get him to eat tomorrow.

Feedback would be appreciated, with this situation I'm very happy that I track my snake's sheds/feedings dates and make sure everything is good for them in order to avoid this issues.

09-10-2012, 09:32 PM
Oops, sorry for the big pics guys, copied the wrong links...

09-11-2012, 04:05 AM
Now that he's moved, you'll need to go through the new arrivals routine and not feed or handle him for a week. If he's already a non-feeder, shifting him around might not help. He was only in his new home for 6 days, so it probably wasn't a great idea trying to feed him anyway.

Having said that, perhaps the journey might have prompted him to eat. Sometimes the vibration/movement does the trick.

09-11-2012, 08:52 AM
The little guy just shedded overnight!