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Hatchling still attached to umbilical cord and egg please help ????

10-12-2012, 10:45 PM
I had a very devasting morning on Thursday when I woke up to find my
incubator had gone wakky and my corn eggs were at 100 degrees celcius. I immediately paniced and as one had piped the night before and his yoke had crusted to the outer layers of his shell I pulled him out and he was lifeless. Even more paniced the first thing I could think of to do was grab some scissors and start separating the eggs. When cutting the open one after one was dead. A total of Four.

This little guy I assumed was dead until I pulled the lifeless body from the egg and after moments he started to move. with the egg and yoke still intact I placed him back down in hopes he would be okay and so far hes becoming more energetic and alert I am very worried about the yoke being exposed to the air and developing bacteria as he hasnt absorbed it all and hes begining to look dehydrated is there something more I can do to help his chances of survival?

I have him on damp paper towel keeping him fairly warm and with lots of water.

10-13-2012, 03:27 PM
The damp paper towels and letting him take his chances are about all I can think of, personally. I'd take out the water bowl though, as I had a prolapsed baby manage to pull more of its gut out before by squeezing through the space in the tub. Fingers crossed for you

10-14-2012, 03:21 PM
Thank you very much he detached from the umbilical cord and is fiesty as ever now :)

10-14-2012, 03:25 PM
Great! I hope he continues to thrive, now!! Sometimes hatching can be a really sad experience. I hope you end up with one baby to show for it.

10-14-2012, 04:09 PM
Good luck, I'm sorry for your loss and the terrible luck of your incubator failing :( I hope he pulls through alright!