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Getting New Babies

06-17-2004, 08:33 PM
WOW! Tis the season for hatching and finding hatchlings is hard, but I managed and will be getting 3 more this next Wed. I got a ghost-M and a Normal Okeetee-F and a Flouresant orange thing a ma bob-F and if my one Awall male caramel shows his pretty head then ill have 5 snakes and all will be swell. I hope my one missing is in shed, but I tore this house apart and not a sole to be found, i have my ideas of under the house but just hope for the best is all.
Ok well off to tank cleaning and when they get in and settled ill snap away with my new Digital that arrives Mon!!! OH BOY!! :dancer:

06-18-2004, 04:00 PM
I am getting a Snow motley in July, a hatchling and I am pretty excited getting everything ready for it now. I am happy for ya :)

when you get it post pics :)