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kink spine

12-30-2012, 06:04 PM
So I went to one of my mom n pop shops today just to be in my "happy place" and I saw a beautiful lavender. As it was moving around I noticed a kink in her spine. So I grabbed the asst manager and asked her about it. Ends up she was a trade that happened when she wasn't around. So because she was "damaged" I got her for 50% off. It's not a horriable kink but enough to be noticable.

My question is with a mild kink does it cause health problems? And no I'm not planing to breed this one ever.

12-30-2012, 06:10 PM
It shouldn't affect her health at all. I have two kinked snakes. Jasmine developed kinks- she didn't hatch with them. She is paralyzed about 1/4-1/3 of the way down. She swims funny, but who cares. Jasmine is five years old.

Krinkle was hatched here, and his mom retained sperm from the year before. He is severely kinked, but, again, gets around just fine. He's small for his age, though, because I don't push his meals at all.

12-30-2012, 06:12 PM
Ok cool thank you. I was mildly worried about it. I just couldn't let her be taken by someone who didn't have snakes