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Ate Aspen Bedding!!

08-30-2013, 09:10 PM
AHHHH!! My baby corn just ate a little piece of his shredded aspen bedding!! What should I do?!?!?!?!? and in the future how do i stop this from potentially happening?

08-30-2013, 09:37 PM
It should pass just fine. Just keep an an eye on him.

For the future, feeding in a separate container will keep him from eating anymore.

08-30-2013, 10:57 PM
Generally, it's not something to worry about. It happens in the wild too. Just keep an eye on your snake. He should be ok.

It's not necessary to feed in a separate container.
When I used aspen for my babies, I saved the single serving ice cream containers, that I used for hides & feeding. I would just put th epinky/fuzzy in the cup, & they would go in & eat it.
I never had any problems.

The only time I have ever fed outside of the enclosure is special feeding attempts, for problem feeders. Other than that, I always feed inside their cages.