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Doesnt eat in feeding bin....

11-14-2013, 12:06 AM

when I got my first corn snake a few weeks ago it ate two pinkies in the feeding bin....

but 7 days later it refused to eat, and 3 days later it refused to eat again

so I tried feeding it in its tank and it ate.....

I thought maybe I upset the snake by moving it into the feeding tank ?

but my other corn snake eats in the feeding tank everytime...

also the snake that wasn't eating shed so maybe that's why it wasn't eating ?

I fed it in its tank again tonight because I didn't want to risk it not eating in its feeding bin , then I waste a pinkie mouse.

11-14-2013, 12:09 AM
and the snake that doesn't eat in its feeding bin has bumps on it

there is 2-3 bumps on the middle of its body

I know they could be either fat lumps or it could be tumors...

but isn't the snake too young for tumors ??

Alicia P
11-14-2013, 10:00 AM
They could be kinks? Hard to tell without seeing a picture.

11-14-2013, 10:52 AM
Post up a photo. If "lumps" are there with no meal inside, it is probably kinks, as Alicia suggests. Also, not every snake wants to eat in a separate container. No harm whatsoever in feeding inside the viv.

11-17-2013, 01:23 PM
I never feed mine in feeding bins. They all get fed in their cages. (I have 14 snakes, different kinds) I've never had any problems with them being aggressive thinking my hand is food when I clean either.

11-20-2013, 01:31 PM
1) so what are "kinks"... I cant get the snake to sit still long enough to get a picture... but the 3 lumps are there even when there is no food.

2) if I continue to feed in its tank, is it bad if the snake swallows aspen ? because it did last time, im going to try feeding it in the bin today.

Alicia P
11-20-2013, 01:58 PM
Kinks are abnormal bumps on a snakes spine, pictures here (https://www.google.com/search?q=kinked+snakes,+images&sa=G&pws=0&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=DgaNUqL1KOqe2gWc0YGwBg&ved=0CCsQsAQ&biw=1422&bih=744)

A tiny piece of aspen every now and then shouldn't be a problem, but you should try to avoid it from happening. If you dry the mouse off really well and place it on a small plate or plastic butter lid that will help eliminate the apsen from sticking.

11-20-2013, 02:28 PM
(A lot of the pics, if not all, of the wild snakes are not kinks. That's just a thing they do. Captive snakes do it, too. You especially see it when they are laying out on a road).

Alicia P
11-20-2013, 03:03 PM
(A lot of the pics, if not all, of the wild snakes are not kinks. That's just a thing they do. Captive snakes do it, too. You especially see it when they are laying out on a road).Good catch Nanci, I just searched for "kinked snake images" and grabbed the link without really looking at the pictures closely. Oop's!