View Full Version : Lumps,water coming from the mouth,pops and more!

Lumps,water coming from the mouth,pops and more!

02-20-2014, 10:07 PM
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/ai458BJMs57MbcFKqYhpkFdKVLPTjqXPYQ7LZ-rl51SZgHzxDx3e_KRQmFEMb5Wwq1w9WOECmdJ1dxfVl3Udfp2c WqLA4I4R

We adopted this 5ft corn 2 weeks ago and he is the sweetest thing. When we adopted him she told us that a vet had told her those lumps (he has three) are calcium deposits due to his age (6). We took him to the reptile guy at our pet store who thinks its tumors or a deformity. What do you all think? So his previous owner said he is "hibernating" and hasnt eaten in a month so we tried feeding him, and get this he is terrified of anything bigger than a pinkie...anyways we had no luck, he didnt eat. Now when I pick this snake up his body pops and cracks and I feel like im breaking him, is that normal? Our other snakes are only babies so I havnt had one this big before. Lastly today hubby was putting him back in his tank when he noticed water or water like substance fall and make a puddle on our floor from his mouth..... He is quite the larthargic snake you put him in a position and it takes him 6 hours to move at all....

02-20-2014, 10:08 PM
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/ai458BJMs57MbcFKqYhpkFdKVLPTjqXPYQ7LZ-rl51SZgHzxDx3e_KRQmFEMb5Wwq1w9WOECmdJ1dxfVl3Udfp2c WqLA4I4R

Alicia P
02-20-2014, 11:09 PM
I can't see your picture and the link isn't working either.

Popping and cracking is not normal. Neither is drooling out liquids. I would advise taking him to a reptile vet ASAP!

02-20-2014, 11:29 PM
The liquid from the mouth could be mouth rot. Although that is usually just bubbling saliva at the rim of the mouth and not enough to "make a puddle".
Regardless of my guess, your snake should go to the reptile vet ASAP.
Also: don't handle this snake and another reptile together and wash your hands between handling.

02-21-2014, 04:02 PM
I hope you have this new guy in quarantine away from your other snakes, because it definitely sounds like something is not right.

The "drool" could be from mouth rot or a respiratory infection, although I don't think I've heard of either causing so much mucus and/or saliva to "make a puddle" like you describe.

I have heard of people hearing what they think is their snake's back popping during handling sessions, but again your description sounds like more than anything I've ever heard of.

Not moving for 6 hours after you set him down sounds strange, although if a snake is comfy it can stay still for a lot longer than 6 hours and that is totally normal. I've just never seen or heard of one doing that in a position they were set down in.

I can't see the pics, so I can't comment on that, and it would be hard to identify a lump based on a picture anyway. I will say that although I have heard of calcium deposits, 6 years isn't really that old for a corn snake, so calcium deposits due to his age doesn't quite make sense to me.

All this adds up to this snakes needing a vet visit right away.