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Off food for several months

03-16-2015, 02:13 AM
My corn is 7 years old, I've had her since she was a little worm lol. She has never had any issues with feeding- always been on frozen, never refused a meal and has never regurgitated.

All of a sudden she started refusing to take food, at first I wasn't too worried and figured she would begin eating again (she was starting to get on the fatter side anyway) but now it has been a few months and she still won't eat. I have tried a few different sized meals, heating it up a bit, leaving it in with her, braining it.. Everything I could think of besides giving a live one or force feeding.

When she went off food there had been no environment changes, temps were/are good, there was nothing I can think of that was different. What can/should I do?

03-16-2015, 09:29 AM
'Tis the season! In late winter/early spring many snakes go without food and hide, like hibernation for bears. Since she is older and has enough body weight on her she should be just fine. Keep an eye on her though, she may be gravid even though she hasn't mated, and may want to lay slugs (unfertilized eggs) so you may want to make a lay box for her just in case.

A dark box with damp sphagnum moss (and keep it damp, not soaking wet) will be what she is looking for to lay if she is going to.

03-18-2015, 02:53 AM
The really strange part is that she is way MORE active! Ever since going off food she is constantly coming out and exploring the tank. At first I thought she was coming out all the time looking for food but now I don't think she's hunting. Also, lately her favorite spot to lie is to be stretched all the way across the front of tank, about 3 inches away from the glass. She has NEVER, EVER, hung out in that spot, now she lies there for hours each day.

Could she have eggs? She's never laid anything before. She's 7 and she's never laid eggs.

03-18-2015, 05:04 AM
Could she have eggs? She's never laid anything before. She's 7 and she's never laid eggs.

Yes, she could be gravid with slugs (empty eggs). I would make a lay box for her, keep it dark and fill it with damp sphagnum moss. If she is going to lay, this is where she would do it.