View Full Version : Oh no! My rescue regurged! (warning: graphic photo)

Oh no! My rescue regurged! (warning: graphic photo)

09-25-2015, 02:48 PM
I found this guy on Craigslist over the summer. His skinny, beat up appearance tugged at me so I bought him on the cheap as a rescue/rehab project. I should stress he has his own of everything: own enclosure, own tub I weigh him in, own feeding tub, own pooper scooper, etc--I am making sure anything that contacts him does not contact the rest of my snakes.
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/12002845_1641969002755010_3279376931792035802_n.jp g?oh=24958bd6e623549cf2f9c7d255ae2574&oe=565DEF54

His last weigh-in (he was 401g when I got him in July):
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/10419950_1641968916088352_463222908747142069_n.jpg ?oh=64ed2de83aba9712d51915d80b02d47a&oe=56A3B2C5

He has done well eating and slowly gaining weight. I started small with a weekly hairless fuzzy, then upped him to a weekly weanling, then a weekly adult, then two adults weekly (similar to what I feed my post-gravid girls to get weight back on). I increased meal size after 2-3 consecutive meals of the previous size to ease him into the weight-gain plan. He's been doing swimmingly until this morning--I noticed a dessicated regurge in his tank. :( I fed him 6 days ago and it appears while one mouse went through, the second clearly did not. I'm guessing he regurged in the last 24-48 hours as I just cleaned his tank two days ago.

The regurg :-puke01:
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/12046925_10208074478119194_5578688591026399321_n.j pg?oh=d0a269ff097f1b27b55b681957da4c37&oe=56ABD46E

I intend to follow Kathy Love's regurg protocol from this point, and if it happens again he'll be going to my preferred herp vet. I'm hopeful that since he's been doing so well up to this point that I simply offered too big a meal for him too soon (this was only the second time giving him two mice at once).

My only other regurg experience in corn snakes was my first ever year breeding my older girl--she was offered too big a meal for her when she was heavily gravid, so, lesson learned for me there.

Hopefully Clyde will be okay soon enough. :uhoh:

09-25-2015, 02:56 PM
Sounds to me like it was just too big of a meal. I probably wouldn't feed two adult mice in one sitting to any of my snakes, but they do sometimes get a large adult mouse.

As long as you follow the protocol, I think he'll be just fine!

09-26-2015, 08:12 AM
First, good for you doing a rescue! Most of mine are rescues, people seem to think pets are disposable.

I agree with Olivia, one mouse is plenty. You did a great job getting him back up in weight, but I don't feed any snake double of anything but pinkies. In the wild they may have to go months without feeding, so underfeeding is definitely the way to go when making the choice.

I have had a regurge as well, and Kathy's protocol is great. He healed up wonderfully and is a sweet, healthy growing boy.

Good luck to you, you have a higher place in snake heaven for helping this guy!