View Full Version : Wounded snake not swallowing pinky

Wounded snake not swallowing pinky

Bahamut Calls
09-07-2016, 09:19 PM
Alright, let me explain this a little more -- my poor corn snake (less than 2 months old) was stuck to adhesive. We were able to get it removed at get her to the vet. The vet said we were giving her correct care for her wound (it did not go down to the muscle, but she was missing scales and skin). I asked the vet if it would be okay to feed her. He said wait until the next day (today) since she was probably stressed from being out and about.

So I fed her her usual newborn pinky the same way she has eaten it before. She grabbed it eagerly has her behavior hasn't changed at all, but it's been about an hour and it's just past her head, stopping just before the wounded area.

The vet isn't open and I've read some thing saying she can breathe and if she doesn't want it or can't eat it she'll regurgitate. Is there something I can do to help her? I don't want to just ... sit here with no clue.

09-07-2016, 09:59 PM
Well, first of all, I would disagree with your vet. I would wait at least a week to feed her, but possibly even waiting until after her next shed. She's very young, so that might be a bit too long of a wait.

How do you have her housed now? I would make a sterile and safe environment for her by using paper towel as bedding and toilet paper tubes for hides.

I would also do some soaks in a betadine solution. You can get it at any pharmacy or Wal-Mart/Target. Mix it with room temperature water in a plastic container. You want just enough to cover her but not so much that she has to swim. You want the mixture to be the color of weak tea. I would bathe her in that once every day or two for a few minutes at a time.

As far as right now, I would just leave her alone with the pinkie. She can breathe with it in her mouth. They basically force their trachea forward during eating so that they can breathe and eat at the same time. If she ends up spitting it out, take it away and then leave her alone. Your next feeding attempt (in a week or so) should be with a smaller meal, like half a pinkie or just a head.

Bahamut Calls
09-07-2016, 10:03 PM
She is on paper towels, gets her "wound gel" (silver something, I can't remember atm) twice a day, and has a betadine soak in the morning, so that's all set!

I feed her in her pet carrier, so that's where she is right now. Should I move her back into the tank so she has her heat lamp? I usually go to sleep in about an hour, so I want to make sure she's okay before I'm not keeping my eye on her constantly...

09-07-2016, 10:14 PM
Yes, I would set her open container inside her tank, so she can leave when she's done.

Bahamut Calls
09-07-2016, 10:17 PM
Thank you very much for your help!

09-07-2016, 10:21 PM
You're welcome!

I had a baby snake get run over by a sliding door and she ended up being just fine, but it did take a few sheds to look normal again. They will often go blue fairly soon after an injury.

Bahamut Calls
09-07-2016, 10:24 PM
Holy cow! Poor little thing. I just hate watching mine right now... She's trying to get something done with the pinky. :(

09-08-2016, 05:44 AM

Just got in (had one of those days at work!) and didn't see this last night! I hope by now that your little sneaky one has swallowed that pinky. That's a tough one, but I agree with hypnoctopus, your vet sounds like he takes an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes! (And you can tell him so from ME!). I mean, what kinda advice is THAT from a medical professional? (Forgive me if I'm outta line here because I can't SEE your snake, but based upon your description, it did sound like it coulda waited a couple to a few days, AT THE VERY LEAST!).

In any case, I do hope your snake is OK by now. Please keep us updated!!