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Shedding Problems

10-06-2018, 12:01 PM
Ever since he was a baby, he's never shed properly, no matter how much I make the humidity better for him, give him a moist hide box, or what. He's always been a troublesome little one with shedding, and since he's larger and hasn't been growing as fast, I was just wondering if this was going to be a common occurrence?

I had him soak last night, and it seemed that he was having extreme issues so I helped him slither through a warm and damp wash cloth, which I've done only one time before to get him to shed his skin. Although, his texture is a little weird now, and I'm wondering if that was maybe from him shedding wrong?

I've had this snake three years and he's been a piece of work lol. I just want the best for him, and I'm trying my best since I'm still learning about snakes. I'm just hoping that I didn't do anything to hurt him or cause him any pain.

10-22-2018, 01:43 PM
Glad to see you're sticking it out and giving him a great home. Sorry to hear about the shedding issues.

I was at a reptile show and someone was selling this spray that is supposed to be a really huge help in the shedding process. Supposed to wait until he/she gets close then use the spray.

Maybe someone else on here knows what I'm talking about.

Good luck!

Frank Pinello
10-23-2018, 07:53 PM
When ever one of my guys have a shedding problem, I place them in a small container with wet squeezed dried paper towels with litte room for anything else. Then check back in 30 to 40 minutes and the snake should be clean of sticking shed pieces.