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Adult corn snake not eating.

07-01-2019, 11:34 PM
First off, hello! I just want to say how amazing this community seems, so I'm happy to join in!

I just got my first snake about a week and a little bit ago. I got them from someone that could no longer take care of him because they were going into college.
I've been researching corn snakes like crazy before I took him off their hands, so I knew exactly what I was getting into.

Unfortunately, the old owner said they eat perfectly. However, I tried to feed him frozen thawed mice the owner gave me a week after I got him, and he hasn't seemed interested in them at all. I'm a little concerned only because he isn't in the best of shape, and is a little on the thin side, with his spine sticking out a bit.

His hot side is at 87⁰F and his cool side is at 70⁰F (I'm in a basement, so it's not the warmest down here.

I'm using the same 40 gallon breeder terrarium the owner gave me, however I did change the substrate type from some type of wood that wasn't very plentiful, to 2" of aspen, which he loves to burrow under.
He has a large water dish, a hide on the hot and cool side, along with some fake plants here and there.

I'm just wondering if anyone thinks it would be worth waiting a few weeks to see if it's just him settling in before taking him to a vet? I don't think it's because his enclosure isn't properly set up... But not sure. Just looking for some advice!