View Full Version : fuzzies...


11-06-2004, 10:22 PM
i fed my snake a fuzzy for the first time last night after learning that i probably should have been giving him fuzzies for the past four months. oops! my bad. it was a big meal for him and took him about twenty minutes to get down, but he seemed to be doing okay. i left him alone, in the dark to enjoy his meal alone and poked my head in a few times to see if he was alright and was careful not to startle him. is it normal for snakes to take several minutes with one meal? he devoured pinkies real quick...two minutes tops most of the time. should i keep with the once a week schedule i set up for his pinkie diet? he's still a little guy, about 12 inches or so and quite the skinny minnie. one fuzz is enough at each meal time? also...his stomach is still bulging pretty large. how long does it usually take for a mouse to break down and be digested?

11-06-2004, 10:53 PM
At only 12 inches, I would think you might still be on pinkies. My new hatchlings are 10", 14" and 14" each and they are all eating pinkies as they are very slender. When I switched to adult mice with my amel, I noticed she had a slow time of it. I went back to two hoppers for a while, and then switched back to the small mouse. By then, she ate it fine. Once a week is fine, but it sounds like your snake is fairly small so you might want to go to 2 pinkies ever 4 or 5 days instead until your snake has sufficient size to go to a fuzzy easily. They usually take 2-3 days to digest especially if the food was really big for them.

11-08-2004, 10:01 AM
concerned about my guy. i might switch back to pinks and give him two of them for a while.

11-08-2004, 01:13 PM
If he's eating fuzzies without a problem, then stick with those. There's more nutrition in 1 fuzzy than 2 pinkies.