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Disturbances after eating

11-11-2004, 11:55 PM
Hey everyone. I just fed my snake today. Is it OK to lift her hide occasionally to make sure she didn't throw up, or should I leave her alone completely for a few days?


11-12-2004, 12:15 AM
I'd say leave her alone. believe me, you'll know if she regurgs. :)

11-12-2004, 12:26 AM
Eww Regurg.. Such a lovely sight. LoL. Nah most can be picked up Extremely gentle!! More gentle than you would normally. After about 3 minutes after they have finally down the rodent. Normally you can tell when they stop opening their mouths.. Give it a few minutes then you can pick her/him up. :) Worst case scenario he/she regurgs on you. Just like having an infant child.. It's so beautiful :cry:

11-12-2004, 12:44 PM
I've never had the pleasure of experiencing the stink that is regurg, but I've been told you'll smell it before you see it.

11-12-2004, 01:56 PM
You can smell it as soon as you enter the room, although I would imagine that the smell gets proportionally worse with time the food has been in there digesting. The smell when it has been partially digested over 3 days is absolutely noticable. If they regurg straight away then there has been no time for the food to decompose so it may not even smell.
I would recommend against picking up your snake on the day it eats, and maybe the day after too, unless you have a need to move him/her. Lifting the hide should be fine, but is unnecessary. Unless you have reason to be worried, i.e. your snake has been ill, or it regurged the last time, or you have never fed it this size of food before, then don't concern yourself - relax and leave the snake to relax and digest too.

11-12-2004, 08:15 PM
Thanks for the replies. Yes, my snake did regurg last time I fed her. It was the first time I had fed her, so maybe she was still too freaked out by the move. I waited a full two weeks and my night time temps went up so I don't think there will be any problems, just didn't know if I should check her cage every day or leave her alone for a few. I fed her Thursday night, and I'll do a thorough inspection (under the hides and everything) for feces on Sunday.

Thanks again for the advice.