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We're Preggers!

03-24-2005, 03:23 AM
Ok, so that's not "we" in the plural, cross-species sense...! However, one of the Ladies in Waiting is beginning to look like a fuzzy ping-pong ball, and her nipple region is beginning to de-fur. This is our first go-round, and since I'm SURE "Curly Bill" isn't the Papa-to-be, I'm wondering if I should isolate the little hussy. The theories seem to flow equidistantly.

So...since I've got a couple of days (maybe a week?), how about we debate the issue.... BRING IT ON! :sidestep:

03-24-2005, 09:41 AM

This link has a lot of the information you're looking for...

03-25-2005, 12:59 PM
Thank you much! That's where my mind went...

03-26-2005, 12:38 AM
Well...that wasn't an unqualified success...
The past 24 hours have been rather eventful in mousedom.
I got up this morning to find a half of a deceased mouse in the habitat. Blech. I don't know for sure about gender...there wasn't enough left to check. Later today, the PG mouse dropped her litter...all immature fetuses. One of the other mice freaked out and started attacking all the other mice. That psycho has been isolated and is a now a feeder candidate. I just can't see the logic in breeding to or from anything that agressive and nasty tempered. Now I'm beginning to think I know how the other mouse got killed. It's infinitely more peaceful this evening without that one in the habitat. I know we've still got one male, because I purchased him sexed...and it was obvious! I know we've still got one female in there because she delivered another fetus, but everyone is quiet and content in there. Am I on the right track here? TIA...