View Full Version : still on hoppers and 3 1/2 feet long

still on hoppers and 3 1/2 feet long

03-24-2005, 11:48 AM
I decided to make a post in regards to the last post 'hoppers to adult' .
I have a 16 month female corn that is over 3 1/2 feet long.

Yes. I still feed her hoppers. Although she is this big in size, she is not very thick at all, and the small mice ive seen are still far too big for her. I usually pick the largest hoppers I can.

I even experimented (after some people on the forum had scorned me about feeding her too little because of her size etc etc) so I attempted giving her 2 hoppers and she still only ate the 1.

I dont believe that the length of the snake depends on the size of the mouse she should be eating. My corn is in perfectly good health and just had her 1st yearly check-up at the vet, proving she is totally healthy, and just grew a lot quicker than your average corn.

03-24-2005, 01:02 PM
I apologize if you took my comments in a manner that made you feel "scorned about feeding her too little because of her size". This is just a part of a bigger issue than you probably realize.

Newer keepers tend to be too overcautious about feeding meals that they feel are too big. Usually this isn't the case and the snake can handle the larger item without a problem. The size difference between a hopper and a small adult isn't much to begin with.

I have kept hundreds of snakes that span the size range so I am more than well aware that some or longer, or shorter, than others. You'll just have to trust my personal experience when I tell you that snakes that size should be able to eat bigger meals. I hope this explanation makes my original intent a little clearer. :)

03-24-2005, 07:06 PM
Please listen to CAV. Mine was not as big as yours and older. And eating less. CAV got me straightened out, and my snake is happier, too.

Off topic, Alberta is a wonderful place, and the steak there is so tasty. I can't wait to get back there. end :-offtopic

03-24-2005, 11:00 PM
Gary is right. Remember also that the skin of a corn is more elastic than alot of snakes. A snake that size could handle a nice sized adult. If she'll only take one, try one smaller adult at first, and move up from there. Take small steps from there.

Jimmy Johnson
03-25-2005, 06:21 PM
Let the snake decide. If it doesn't want to eat two hoppers or an adult mouse, don't make it.
I have a three year old female that is just around 34 inches. She eats every week but will not eat anything larger then a hopper and will only eat one.
I can put an adult mouse in with her and she will not eat it. I can put two hoppers in with her she will only eat one. That is the way she has always been. She has always fed on smaller prey items then any of my other snakes the same size. That's what she wants so that's what she gets.
Remember, a 3 ft snake that eats "just a hopper" every week is still eating more on the average then a wild snake of the same size.
No need to force more on them then they want.
Trying to force more on it then it wants could cause it to quit feeding alltogether or even cause it to start regurgitating.

03-25-2005, 06:44 PM

While I understand your point, I don't believe anyone has suggested forcing food into a snake. In keeping with your intent, I'd amend it by adding a snake can't decide if you're not willing to offering it any alternatives. ;)

Jimmy Johnson
03-25-2005, 10:42 PM
I didn't really think anyone was suggesting that it should be forced larger items I was just wanting him to be carefull if and when he tried to go up in size and to be patient if it refused.
You are right, you'll never know if it is willing to eat larger prey if it's not offered.