View Full Version : Bloodred x Anery B

Bloodred x Anery B

09-02-2002, 06:09 AM
I really want a pewter but they're not available over here yet. I read somewhere that you get pewters by crossing bloodreds with anery B. Is this true? I would like to have a go at breeding in a couple of years and I want something that is rare in britain. what kind of % of hatchlings would be pewter?

09-02-2002, 06:46 AM
Jason, You might check out serpwidget's site: Lots of good info on genetics.... On there she says that Bloodred & Charcoal produce Pewters. http://serpwidgets.com/cornsnakes/default.html

Good Luck... I hope to have a Pewter someday!

Kevin M
09-02-2002, 10:04 AM
If you breed a Bloodred to a Charcoal your F1's would all be normals het for Pewter.

If your looking to keep costs down and produce some Pewters then your best bet is to get some hets. Say a Bloodred het Charcoal & a Charcoal het Bloodred. By breeding those snakes you'd get approximatly 25% Pewters from them.

PS - Serpwidget's is a "he" not a "she". :)

09-02-2002, 10:44 AM
Thanks Kevin for the correction on Serpwidget.... I don't know why I thought he was a she :rolleyes:

Also, thanks for the tip on the hets... I'm looking forward to my snake order this week! :D

Kevin M
09-02-2002, 11:14 AM
A few people have made that mistake regarding Serp. I wonder why that is? Perhaps someone needs to re-sex serp for us again? (Ok, ok, Ill admit it, Bad snake humor)

Just sent you an email regarding your snakes, I'll be shipping them out tomorrow for you. I didnt feed them over the weekend so they should be all set to eat when you get them.

09-02-2002, 04:22 PM
Thank you Kevin M. It will be a while before I try but I was curious. I think I've got the addiction already and I'm still waiting for my first snake. Ah well only two weeks to go.

Darin Chappell
09-02-2002, 04:46 PM

Kevin, I am NOT probing Serpwidgets, and I don't think he'd appreciate being POPPED!



09-02-2002, 05:23 PM
hahaha you guys are terrible
This made me laugh out loud and I woke up my dad who was taking a nap.. oops!

Kevin M
09-02-2002, 06:28 PM
LOL. Now that was just plain funny.