View Full Version : How to.....

How to.....

03-26-2006, 06:06 PM
..... see if a snake is too fat? I know that an underweighed snake's body has a triangular shape from his spine protruding. But does an obese snake show a 'sunken in' line caused by his body mass/fat protruding upwards along the spine?

I know my miami which is said to be too fat by multiple people (4.8 feet, 1130 grams) does show what I mean, see pic. But he is not feeling 'blobby' and when holding him he feels like a huge powerfull muscle without any weak mass around it. His scales do not look stretched out at all too. So maybe this is only me trying to convince myself my boy is only very muscled, but I'm really curious about which signs are mistakingly showing a snake is too fat, besides looking at the weight compared too the length.

Tnx all ia!

03-26-2006, 06:07 PM
Of course I meant'.... signs are NON mistakingly.......