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How do you tell

05-09-2006, 08:38 PM
How do you tell when your corn snake is hungry will it sift through its cage whats the signs? please help and post you reply! :crazy02:

05-09-2006, 10:15 PM
Usually my snakes become quite active and roam the cage when they get hungry. I still wouldn't feed just because they are doing that. Some, like my adult amel would eat everyday (my green tree python too) if you gave them food. They act hungry all the time. Feeding hatchlings or a snake on pinkies every 5 days is fine. Once off the pinkies, once a week will do until they are adults. My amel gets fed every 2 weeks.

05-10-2006, 12:38 PM
That will help but another question do they have a certain age that they upgrade to feeders or is it whenever they feel like it. thnx :flames: :eek1:

05-10-2006, 01:12 PM
Its when the previous size isnt filling them up like it should, watch when there is no visible food item in the snake after eating it is a good sign to increase the size for a young growing snake.