View Full Version : albino okeetee? sunglow?

albino okeetee? sunglow?

Jr Nimeskern
04-20-2002, 01:43 AM
ok im confused I was at the pet store looking to buy a corn... its a young corn and it looks like to me like a albino okeetee but on the box it said a sunglow... can baby sunglows have a little bit of white on them? and if so do they grow out of it? the person who sold it to him said it was a albino bloodred... i havent heard of this probably cause im new to corns... but could someone tell me the diff between the albino okeetees (im asuming the reverse okeetee is the same snake) the sunglow and the albino bloodreds... thank you for the help

04-20-2002, 02:49 AM
ha ha ha

this is one of the few reasons why I wouldn't buy from a pet shop...... they don't really know what they have and what they are selling.

don't listen to them. believe in what you see, if you have any doubt at all......leave it.

Go to serpenco.com to see some of the definitions of the morphs of the snakes!

Good Luck and Happy Herping!

04-20-2002, 12:03 PM
To add to what Simon said, let me just say that albinos are one of the most common. Chances are that that is what it is. The only difference from the albino and the albino oketee is one will have more white around the blotches. They both have the same genes unless they are het for another trait. Albino Bloodred... highly unlikely.

Jr Nimeskern
04-20-2002, 02:07 PM
but do baby sunglows have a little white saddles around their colors?

Kevin M
04-20-2002, 02:09 PM
Unless it is a reputable pet store I'd just assume evrything for sale there are normals.


04-20-2002, 08:35 PM
Couldn't resist, I saw someone selling one on the classifieds recently...

"anery type e is bloodred and where the black markings should be there white"

"anery type e when bred to a motley can produce coral zig zag corns, coral motleys, regular anery and also motley when bred to a motley"

Am I the only one who finds those descriptions incredibly confusing? The guy simply would not tell me its genotype. When I asked for a picture, he replied with "too late, sold."

Yes, I've heard that sunglows can have some white on them and they can grow out of it. That doesn't mean this one is a sunglow. IMO a "good" sunglow also has a bright orange background color, like rev okeetees and flourescents do. But I think that last part is just a matter of my tastes.

An Amelanistic bloodred will have a patternless belly. A non-bloodred will have checkering of some sort... white and "clear" or white and yellow, etc.

Also, I don't know if the hatchlings express this when the're very young, but IMO a "high-quality" bloodred would show signs of fading on the sides of the saddles, where it blends to the background color instead of being sharply defined. And... the side blotches coming up from the belly should be either very subdued or not present at all.

These are both traits that can be pretty variable, which require someone with lots of experience and a good eye for predicting their color changes, and which could easily be sold to someone who wouldn't know the difference until the animal is grown. (which is too late) If I were to buy anything that is not a simple "on/off" trait I would be sure to get it from the most reliable sources possible.

I'd also keep in mind that many pet shops and even some herp shops will either unknowingly or intentionally mislabel something--or just make up a name you've never heard of--in order to make it more "appealing."

04-20-2002, 08:48 PM
yep serp, you're right. My co-working just bought a "Sinaloan Milk Snake"
looks more like an integrade with an eastern milk. I have never had a positive experience buying ANY animal from a pet store.

Jr Nimeskern
04-20-2002, 10:38 PM
LOL i couldnt help myself i know that you are all right... but when i saw the corn... I just had to have it... it looks so pretty... and I just dont understand what traits are what... but hopefully I will be able to get a camara and put its pic up so you can at least have some sort of clue to what it is...
LOL my first corn I bought was a bubblegum snow... the store sold it to me with the name albino... and that was it... so i bought it... but albino and bubblegum snow... are in a way the same... but in a way are REALLY REALLY diff.
So Im just not really sure what to do... I wouldnt mind buying over the internet but, im scared because i cant even see what im buying, and i have to pay like 50$ just for the shipping!
Does anyone know any good herps that sell corns around kansas? I would be willing to drive at least 2 states away just to buy them!!!!!! thank you for the help on everything... especialy SERP

04-21-2002, 09:43 AM
Hey um I'm not sure if I really read this on Rich's site or not but I think he says that if you pay an extra $10 he can send you pic(s) of the animal you are going to buy. But i'm not sure if it really says that or not...I've been on so many cornsnake sites I can't remember...
Anyway, most people who have ordered from the more well known breeders like Rich, Kathy Love, SMR, etc. have been very satisfied.
About the $50 shipping charge...well can't help you there. That's the reason I don't order through the internet either. Well for now at least. :)

04-21-2002, 02:41 PM
Pet stores can be so awful when it comes to herps. There was one near where I used to live that I'd go into on a regular basis and have to tell them something was mislabled, or worse, dead. It is worth the extra $$ for shipping to get a quality animal that is healthy.

04-21-2002, 06:11 PM
ya i've got doubts about my snake the pet shop told me it was a red normal. he looks like one except that at the bigging he's got the brighter coulors of an oketee? I'm confused and i don't even have a pic:(