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charcoals & ghost

12-01-2002, 02:12 PM
I have searched around but have not seen any charcoal or ghost motleys, Why is that? Also i have not seen any charcoal stripes and not to many ghost stripes (which i think are awsome) again why? Has it been tried? also if you bred anery type A & B together which one overrides the other? Thanks :D

12-01-2002, 08:40 PM
I'm sure there are a few charcoal motleys around, and there are PLENTY of ghost motleys, although many are probably described as pastel motleys. I've added a pic of my ghost motley male. Charcoal stripes are possibly not as common yet, but I'm sure you'll be seeing many more of these, as well as ghost stripes, in the future. I have 2.4 aneryth motley stripe het ghost that I kept from this years hatchlings, so watch the photo gallery around 2005.

If I understand the genetics behind aneryth A and aneryth B, and have read the Corn Snake Manual correctly, the resulting offspring of this combination, assuming neither is het for anything else, would be normal.

To elaborate...in their homozygous recessive condition, aneryth A and aneryth B remove the red color, even in the presence of the "opposite" homozygous (or heterozygous) dominant genes (recessive A over-rides dominant B, and vice versa). Breeding them together produces a heterozygous state in both pairs of genes, resulting in red color being produced...a normal.

Now the real question here is, if a snake is both homozygous recessive for BOTH aneryth A and aneryth B, what would the snake look like...A or B or a combo of both?

12-01-2002, 08:45 PM
Got so involved with the aneryth A & B part, forgot to add my ghost motley!

12-01-2002, 09:14 PM
Ok we know that both anery type A & B stop the red pigment from being produced. Look at the charcoal,very little white or silver and very little yellow. Anery is the opposite and even has some yellow .So I think that with a snake producing "double doses" of black it is possible that a homozygous snake would look solid black.Or even black and yellow,due to anery A producing yellow. HEY RICH. Have you done this yet???????

just my thoughts.I know I would love to have an anerythristic charcoal cornsnake

12-02-2002, 04:37 PM
Thanks to all who replyed, susan that ghost motley is great!!! still need to see a chacoal motley though.

Ken Harbart
12-02-2002, 11:40 PM
Drizzt... A double homozygous animal isn't anything exceptional, and basically looks like a charcoal. One of the first breedings of a charcoal corn was to a snow. The result was a mixture of normals & anery's.

Keep in mind that neither one of these traits produces any pigment, so ther wouldn't be a "double dose." Both merely supress the production of red pigment. Most of the time, charcoal will also supress the production of yellow pigment as well.

I'm half asleep at the moment, so please accept my apologies if this explanation was overly simplified.

12-02-2002, 11:56 PM
That was way to simple for me to understand...lol..lol..
Thanks for the input.