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how many ways to thaw mice

12-10-2002, 10:09 AM
how many ways to thaw mice

name them ofcourse

12-10-2002, 10:25 AM
you can either leave it out for a few hours, or you can put it in some warm/hot water for a few minutes

Microwaving is not suggested as you can easily cook the mouse. When leaving it out for a few hours, make sure to not leave it to long as they can start growing bacteria.

12-10-2002, 09:37 PM
My personal favorite is when I miscount when taking out of the freezer to thaw, get to the last snake (who hates wet mice) and finding no thawed mice left. Only option...under the armpit. Really feels kind of nice on a hot and humid Florida summer day!

I've since changed the order of who gets fed last. He doesn't care if his mice are wet from the warm water.

12-11-2002, 01:05 AM
ok that's kinda gross
...under the armpit.

i guess at least you didn't stick it in your belly button or up your nose,...