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Question about pinky heads....

10-25-2006, 06:01 PM
I have a hatchling that has decided to go on a hunger strike. I got her at the Daytona show in August and she ate fine for me 5-6 meals in a row with no problem. However, her last meal was the last week of Sept. She has refused the last three weeks. I have been trying every few days (3-4 days in between each attempt) with various methods. Scented, cut open, washed (to get the urine smell off), but with no success.
It has been suggested to me to try just pinky heads, but what I am not sure of is how exactly do I get just the head off the pinky? Cut it off, snap it off? And what is the best way to dethaw just the head? In a plastic bag in warm water is what I think the answer to that should be, but wanted to get opinions from those who may have done this before.

10-25-2006, 09:38 PM
what I am not sure of is how exactly do I get just the head off the pinky?Cut it off.

And what is the best way to dethaw just the head?In a plastic bag in warm water.

But you already knew this. Good luck!

10-25-2006, 10:14 PM
Cut it off while it is still frozen. Sometimes they will break off quite easily as well. I just thaw them in warm water, no bag needed.

10-26-2006, 06:33 PM
Here's my method:
I put the pinky(s) in a strainer and hold them under running hot tap water for about 1 minute to both thaw them and rinse the urine smell off them. Then dump them out onto a paper towel and pat dry. I don't like to touch them so as not to get my scent on them. If I am going to scent one of them, I will hold it with tongs or a bit of torn paper towel. After scenting, I use cuticle scissors to make the cuts in the back or to cut off as much of the head as I need. The curved cuticle scissors are very very sharp and don't smush the pinkie as it is cut, and they also have a tiny point on the tip, great for braining. I have a short piece of flexwatt heat tape with a cord soldered on to it (I used a heating pad before I made that) that I use to keep the pinkies warm so each of the fussy ones can think their prey is live.

I use tongs to place the food item where it is needed.