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Genetic terms?? I dont understand them!!!

04-23-2002, 12:25 AM
Can anyone explain to me IN SIMPLE TERMS the genetic words like het and hypo? I just dont know what they mean. I'm looking to buy another cornsnake and when I see these terms they confuse me and I dont know how much these snakes the people are selling are. Also if you know anyone in Washington state selling corns for cheap please tell me how I can contact them.


04-23-2002, 12:34 AM
Can I recommend Serpwidgets Genetics tutorial?

It lays it all right out there and defines all of those nasty little terms like het (short for heterozygous meaning having a pair of genes that are not alike; example Normal het amel meaning a normal colored snake carrying one amel gene paired with one normal gene which gives you a normal colored snake that carries amelanism) and hypo (literally means 'less than', in corn snakes is short for hypomelanism meaning reduced black pigment).

http://www.serpwidgets.com/cornsnakes/Morphs/morphs.html (Serpwidgets )