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Poop or Ney?

Rocky Raccoon
11-30-2006, 12:12 PM
So I fed my corn on Monday as instructed by the shop because that was their normal feeding day. I left her alone till last night when I got home to clean her water and just to see if she was doing okay. She seemed a little more friendlier and didnt hide when I put her back in. I woke up to this nice present, it is regurge or poop? Everyone told me wait 48 hours and I did before I handled her, still too soon eh? What to do now if this is regurge? Thanks for the help.

11-30-2006, 01:47 PM
Difficult to tell from the photo as it's very blurry but I suspect it's a poop with a little of the skin left. I wouldn't worry. If it didn't smell really foul (and I mean continue to smell as fresh poop is a bit stinky) then I would figure it's poop. There should be mostly brown, with a little liquid (which dries quickly) and some yellow or white urates. Sometimes a little undigested skin will be in there. If you're feeding f/t, you can make a few cuts in the back of the pinky or whatever you're feeding to make it easier to digest.

Rocky Raccoon
11-30-2006, 03:07 PM
Okay thank you very much. I will next time.

Lisa C
11-30-2006, 09:58 PM
It is hard to tell from the photo, but if you are not 100% sure, I'd treat it as a regurge. I'd wait 10 days before I fed again, then fed a small pinky. It is not going to hurt the snake to wait a few extra days before feeding. If it was just his poop, then no harm done. But, if it was in fact a regurge, then you are following the proper procedure. Better to be safe then sorry, you don't want to feed too soon if it was a regurge.

Rocky Raccoon
12-05-2006, 03:40 PM
Well I fed her last night kinda late, this pinkie was much smaller than the previously one and she ate it backwards....well you know what I mean. So far shes doing well, havent seen her since yesterday which means shes hiding again under the aspen. Her fav place :) I think she is doing just fine now.