View Full Version : MOUSE Vs RAT


01-28-2003, 12:03 AM
What are the benefits to feeding rats vs mice to cornsnake??

I have a 2 yr old Amel female cornsnake that is under 4 feet long..AND I have been told by several herp friends...She is on the small side. I feed her 1 adult mouse every 10 days or so.. Should I feed her more often, or start feeding her rat pups??? What is the difference between the mouse and rats...feeding wise??

If I switch to feeding rat pups instead of adult mice, would it help the growth rate?? Or is it just about the same?? Any tips on getting the snakes to take to new feed????



01-28-2003, 05:42 AM
personally I would keep to mice(in the U.K.mice are less costly)but up the feeding to 1 mouse every 7 days.

13mur 6
01-28-2003, 12:00 PM
Rats are more fatty, have more bones, and I guess a bit more on the nutritious side. Plus some snakes that don't take to mice well will sometimes readily take to rat pups. I guess you can use rats to fatten up females for breeding, or to fatten up any snake for that matter. I remember there was the nutrition information on rat pups, rats, mice, etc, on some website, I'll try to find it again.

-13mur 6