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I think my snake is dying

06-06-2007, 06:52 PM
My snake is not looking so good. I have had a big struggle with him since I got him. He was 3 weeks old when I got him and didn’t have his first feeding until 8 weeks after. He has not eaten since (3 weeks now). I have been noticing some changes to his body. His skin looks very saggy and when I hold him up to the light he is almost translucent. I have been checking on his water dish and he doesn’t seem to be drinking either for the past couple of days. I’m very concerned and don’t know what this means. Is my snake dying?

06-06-2007, 06:59 PM
First off, check your set-up against this link;
If you get conditions right, most corns will feed.
Then check this link and search the non-feeding threads for tips;

06-06-2007, 07:03 PM
I think you need to get your snake to the vet immediately if you want to try to save it. But maybe since you've had so much trouble so far, you (I hate to say this and probably wouldn't do this myself) should just let nature take its course and start over with a snake that is an easy keeper. It shouldn't be so hard to get your baby to eat- he should want to.


06-07-2007, 11:51 AM
i would suggest to take him to the vet immediately. the vet will give you something like "critical care". this is the most common thing given to unwell snakes and it is given through water. this is the one problem if your snake doesn't drink.
hope everything goes well


06-07-2007, 11:58 AM
At this late stage taking to a vet is not going to be your answer. You can hydrate your animal first off by soaking it in a very shallow water. Snakes absorb water through the skin and this is the most nonevasive way to start hydration. you do not want to tube a severly weakened snake or that in itself could kill it. with it being so young and going so long without food, I fear it may not be able to digest anything properly now and it certainly can't if its dehydrated.

If nutrition is to be force fed as a last attempt , one of the easiest things to force feed is an adult mouse tail. Due to its shape and size , it is the least evasive thing to force feed and it could be dipped in digestive enzymes first as well.

06-07-2007, 09:40 PM
Why would someone sell you a snake that young. He couldn't have had more than a meal or two if they didn't feed until after hatching shed. Good luck getting it to eat, but the fact it did eat one meal on it's own is encouraging. Try scenting with lizard. It was the only thing that got my two non-feeders going. I washed the pinky in mild soap first, then scented well with anole spit. I keep one in the freezer for the job.

06-07-2007, 10:46 PM
Ouch...I am sorry to hear someone sold you a snake that young. I wouldn't take him to the vet personally just because stress could be a big factor leading to death. I would do what Meg said and wash a pinky in a mild soap, preferably Ivory, and then scent the pinky with an anole lizard. If I were you I would try to find the smallest pinky you possible can. Even hour old if they are available. I hope your little one gets better and best of wishes!

06-08-2007, 02:37 AM
Don't give up yet. Check out this post.

This documents my story of struggling with a non-feeder who I desperately wanted to save.

06-08-2007, 02:58 AM
Hi There,

I am wondering the same as MegF and Okeetee...where did you get this snake? Any respectable breeder will NOT sell any animal that has not been fed at least once or twice (twice in most cases) unless they specifically indicate that the snake is a non-feeder.

Is this your first snake? Check your set up, most feeding problems are caused by set up problems especially when it comes to temps and stress levels. How often have you been handling this snake?

Going through something similar at the moment (though my snake WAS a good feeder when I got him) so hang in there!