View Full Version : Regurge??


07-08-2007, 09:04 AM
Today when I was spot cleaning for poo I found one back leg and the tail of the fuzzy Leeroy ate. It was attached to the backbone which was black. Is this a regurge or could he have pooped out the back leg and tail? I also found normal poo with urates so I'm not sure. If it was a regurge should I still wait the 10 days even though it was such a small amount. He should have gotten the nurtrients he needed from the rest of the mouse right? Thanks for your help

07-08-2007, 09:45 AM
Hmmm - thats very odd! I seem to remember someone else recently posting about their problems with a female lav and when she poo's body parts come out. So I'm not sure its a regurge. But I'm not an expert! I don't suppose it could hurt to wait 10 days before feeding just to be safe.

07-08-2007, 10:20 AM
What did it smell like?


07-08-2007, 01:30 PM
I didn't really smell it but I had it pretty close to my face when I was examining it and didn't smell anything bad. BTW I fed him on tuesday

07-08-2007, 06:21 PM
Any guess on how old it was? Was it wet when you found it? I'm just not getting the regurge feeling here, but I might split the difference and go for an eight day interval and a smaller prey item on Wednesday. Eight days is the minimum recommended regurge resting period- you more commonly see ten days recommended.


07-08-2007, 07:13 PM
I'm guessing it was from either Thursday or Friday, I can't believe I found it because it was so small, tucked into the corner and blended in real well witht he Aspen. It was not wet when I found it

07-09-2007, 03:44 AM
Just so you understand why the 8-10 days before feeding after a regurge.
When they throw up they also spit up digestive juices. It takes them a week or more to replenish their stomach with the digestive juices. If you feed him again before that time a second regurge is likely. After a second regurge it's even harder to build up the juices and this can lead to repetitive throwing up and eventually death. So, give it time to settle it's stomach.

In this case we still don't know if it's a regurge but I say better safe than sorry. Give him 8-10 days before the next feed and give him something small (pinky or half of a fuzzy), after that you can go back to regular sized food.

07-09-2007, 07:27 AM
I will wait until Thursday to feed him, thanks for all the help guys

07-09-2007, 07:28 AM
and girls

sorry Nanci