View Full Version : She has an R.I but I cant figure out why she Screeched like a mouse.

She has an R.I but I cant figure out why she Screeched like a mouse.

07-27-2007, 09:58 PM
I took my corn to the vet today and she does have an RI but we cant figure out why she screeched like a mouse. I usually touch her sides when she's burried under the aspen to let her know its me and she'll come crawling out but this time she screeched like a mouse and was tremblin. Do corn snakes do that? The vet has several snakes and said she's never hear a snake do that well neither have I so if any body has heard this before and can give me an answer I would really appreciate it. Sasha is my baby. If anything happened to her I dont know what I would do. My husband is deployed and we have no kids so she's basically my baby. Anyway I just want to know what everybody else things

07-27-2007, 10:31 PM
A couple day after I got my snake he was hiding in the warm side under the aspen so I was looking around where he was hiding at and I swore I heard a mouse screech while I was moving the aspen but! I would also like to know if I am crazy or if they can actually produce noise.