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12-17-2007, 06:21 PM
Is it normal for my snake to sleep three nights in a row after feeding?
The snakes poo is REALLY smelly is this normal too?

Also why is my snake so angry still? :( It bit me just a moment ago when i was trying to change the water.

12-17-2007, 06:24 PM
You mean it hasn't been out at all?? Maybe going to shed?

Yes, snake poo smells like poo.

Snakes bite because they are frightened. Usually if you handle them gently, they calm down in just a few minutes. Then you put them back to reward them for relaxing. I have one of my new babies going through that phase. The other two babies- one wants to come out all the time and one is nice if I take her out.

12-17-2007, 06:26 PM
If they are angry when they are young does this usually carry on through adult hood?

12-17-2007, 06:28 PM
Not usually, they tend to calm down with age and proper handling. It will just take time, be patient.

12-18-2007, 06:45 AM
Quite a number of people will tell you that there corn will normally hide for days on end. Its very normal.

12-18-2007, 07:55 AM
Try not to think of it as "anger" - this is a human emotion that snakes don't feel.

It's fear. Your little one doesn't yet realise that you're safe and that it's ok for you to be near him or pick him up. He thinks that you're going to hurt him, so he bites you.

The only way round this is to behave calmly and kindly towards him all the time, so that eventually he understands that you're really OK. Sometimes this can take weeks, sometimes months - they learn at different rates, so there are no guarantees.

But please understand that he is not "angry" with you. He's afraid. He's a scared little baby who needs you to be very gentle and patient.

As for sleeping three nights in a row - well, Corns stay hidden most of the time, but they especially like to hide away while they're digesting. It's pretty normal not to see a Corn for three days after feeding time.

snakewispera snr
12-18-2007, 08:05 AM
Sometimes this can take weeks, sometimes months - they learn at different rates, so there are no guarantees.

Cornsnakes are recognised as a good *starter* snake because they tame down quite quick. You should be O.K. with him soon enough.. It all depends on how often you go to see him..
And they are easier to tame down when they get bigger so don't worry.

12-18-2007, 10:20 AM
Terry Irwin said in one of the episodes, "If I'm bigger than you I'll eat you, if you're bigger than me you'll eat me." This kind of says it all for mom nature. You're big and the snake is afraid of you. He will learn with time.