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3 year old won't eat!

02-10-2008, 01:59 PM
I have a 3 year old corn snake that is 43 inches long. Up until 4 weeks ago he was eating a mouse every 7-10 days for the last two years. now he wont eat! I have offered a mouse every 7 days, with exactly the same conditions, but he just curls up as far away from the mouse as he can get in his eating box.( thawed mouse). I am at a loss as to what to do. He seems other wise healthy, he shed about 3 weeks ago. Still sticks his head out when you walk in the room. Any thought would be greatly appreciated.

02-10-2008, 02:21 PM
It is not unusual for males that age to stop eating as spring approaches. Breeding season, their minds are on other things. Especially if you have any females around, but sometimes even if you don't. Snakes can go for a long time without eating. Just keep trying, I wouldn't worry unless he starts to lose weight and get skinny looking.