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2 pinkys?

02-24-2008, 05:35 AM
So, I feel that it is time to move Kate up to two pinkys. After less than 24 hours she has no more bulge. However, when I try to give her two, she will eat one and then curl up and ignore the other. Is this her way of telling me she is not ready for two? I would think that the snake would know best. In the little tub of 12 pinkies that I bought there was what I believed to be a peach fuzzy (it was like a really big pinky with some fur) and I fed her that one first and she ate it with no problem and stayed full much longer. However, when I asked the pet store to buy some of those, they said that the next size up was fuzzies and they looked a little to big.
Is it ok to try feeding pinkies on consecutive days?
Thanks everybody in advance!

02-24-2008, 09:44 AM
I wouldn't feed on consecutive days.
Try to double up the pinks a couple more time, if no success with that, feed one small fuzzy and see if it goes well from there.

Tell us how it goes.

02-24-2008, 10:01 AM
It can be frustrating if you have one of those snakes that simply refuse to eat more than one prey item per meal. I have one of those myself and now I make sure I have mice of the right size for him. But it's easier for me as I also breed my own mice. Give your snake a few more chances to eat more than one pinky per meal. I would suggest that you try a much smaller pinky as the first one, just to make sure your snake still feels hungry, as that strategy can work. Once it gets the idea that it can eat 2 pinkies, you can start offering larger pinkies.

If your snake isn't one that usually constricts it's F/T meal, you can try cutting the end of one pinky and inserting part of the other pinky inside it to create a "double" pinky. Your snake may just continue onto the second pinky thinking it's just part of the first. If you can get some from your vet, actually tying one pinky to another with absorbable/digestible suture (one pack of 3-0 or 4-0 Chromic gut with a swedged needle would last you awhile) may also be an option.