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how can i tell...

03-19-2008, 07:38 PM
what are signs that my snake is stressed or agitated?? im new to snakes and dont really know what normal behaviors are for them.. i dont know my snake well enough to be able to say if its acting strange or not... So far its been out roaming in its tank. sometimes in its warm hid.. actaully has 2 warm hides and 2 cool ones.. its on the warm side most of the time.. when i go to pick it up most of the time it will freak out when i first touch it and try to run, but once i pick it up it calms down.. sound normal

03-19-2008, 07:59 PM
Yep, that behaviour when being picked up/handled, sounds perfectly normal.

A major sign of stress is if they stop eating. Sometimes if you scare them, they rattle their tails and make a rattlesnake noise as a warning to go away. Occasionally they can hiss, but it really sounds more like a little puff and not at all the frightening sound it ought to be!

Other than that, you really have to get to know the snake over the coming months. Once you understand what's "normal" for it, you'll be able to spot problems brewing.

I once managed to tell that one of mine was sickening for something, two weeks before she actually started exhibiting any symptoms. Her muscle tone felt wrong when I picked her up - normally she's quite strong and muscular, but back then she felt a bit... well, I can't think of a word other than "flabby". She started lying around the viv out in the open, when usually she prefers to stay hidden.

Once you get to know your Corn, the slightest changes will start to become obvious and you'll know when they're getting ill or stressed.

03-19-2008, 08:18 PM
ok thanks alot.. i was just worried that it might be stresed right now and i cant tell because i dont know it well enough to notice.. i havent been hadleing it very much since i got it.. mayb for 2 or 3 mins a day.. just kind of practicing picking it up and putting it back down so it gets used to it