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Why is it?...

04-07-2008, 07:23 PM
...the prettiest one's from a clutch are the worst eaters...I think this little guy's gonna color up sweet...but...refuses to step up to fuzzy's...his sibs are on hoppers...gonna try small rat pinks..."grow, I say...GROW!" ;)


04-07-2008, 07:35 PM
Lol, that is a beautiful snake. She probably is just taunting you. She doesn't want you to see her real colors :). I have a theory about snakes having an advanced form of intelligence that helps them annoy their owners. :P

Roy Munson
04-07-2008, 07:48 PM
...the prettiest one's from a clutch are the worst eaters...I think this little guy's gonna color up sweet...but...refuses to step up to fuzzy's...his sibs are on hoppers...gonna try small rat pinks..."grow, I say...GROW!" ;)

Very pretty snake, Chris. While I don't see this as a general trend, I've seen it. I often weigh robustness and beauty equally. I'm more inclined to keep the second-most-pretty snake if it's a big, fast-grower...