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Mate choice

05-18-2002, 08:13 PM
Ok, here's the deal, I got a female whos het. for creamcicle. I got a male who's het. for crimson. I got an amelanistic male. Which of the two males should I breed with the female? Im thinking the amel., but I don't really know. Figured I'd see what you folks had to say.

05-18-2002, 08:49 PM
It depends on what outcome you want. Creamsicles are amelanistic, so breeding to the amel will give you (amel) creamsicles that are a little bit more corn than the Creamsicle parent.

If you want "normal-looking Emoryi intergrades" double-het for hypo and amel, go with the other parent. The F2s might be interesting... Frank Pinello has some neat-looking hypo intergrades.