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Nagini's Having Poop Issues?

07-09-2008, 01:04 AM
She finally ate after a 19 day hunger strike... I think its mostly from the size of her previous meal AND then shedding in that time period...

But oasis ate 8 hours after her, same sized meal, and its digested already... they're the same length and width. The thing is, nagini still has a rather nice lump in her, and her poop was a gooey creamy white, versus what they've normally put out... Could something have happened when she ate? Like got hurt somewhere inside. Im worried that i should make a vet appointment. It smelled really aweful after about 6 hours. To the point i felt forced to take the hide out and put a box in, so i could move her to the new tank as carefully as possible and clean the feeder viv. I tried taking photos, but the camera has been doing some weird things, so i didnt really get a good photo.. To me it resembles a snake having recovery problems after laying eggs, how they poop that really gooey white creamy substance.

What do you all think? =[

terry fielder
07-09-2008, 07:28 AM
i think thats musk snakes do it when they're scared

07-09-2008, 10:51 AM
My gastroenterologist says that people are obsessed with poop and need to relax a little. I think that is the case here as well.

19 days is not a hunger strike. That is 2 ½ weeks during which your snake shed which is very normal and will probably happen again at the next shed.

Snakes do not urinate like mammals do. The white stuff in the poop is the urates that mammals usually expel in their urine.

Don’t examine each poop. That’s weird. And don’t call the vet.