View Full Version : 4pinks in a feeding lots left monson says fuzzy

4pinks in a feeding lots left monson says fuzzy

09-11-2008, 11:08 PM
Cant find my old thread but my snakes have grown Houdini is now 20"shed and was 24g sept 10 then I fed 3 pinks he still looked hungry Striker wouldnt eat the third one so I fed another to Houdini then weight was32g
Striker 22g then fed 2 pinks and weight was 28g (my scale must be off cause the pinks were just under 2g each, just noticed as Im posting this)
the reason pinks instead of fuz or anything in between was cause I had between 30 and 40 various age pups with 3 mice milking and those ones were struggling to get milk.
I have so many pinks in freezer already and now Im thinking its fuzzy time the part Im not looking foreward to at all! Anyone want pinks? should I still feed them?
btw my post about my mouse issue Im thinking my weights are under the monson pink/hopper/fuzz weights