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He wont eat, help

~Catalina Reina
10-12-2003, 11:58 PM
My cornsnake ate last week, escaped when I turned the light off, my uncle found him, and hes a little hurt. And its been over a week since hes been fed (about 10 days or so) Should I be worried? What should I do.
It seems like there is a "kink" of about 3 vertebrea or so that stays straight when he tries to turn, and it has less muscle (or more skin) than the rest of his body, but the one "vertebrea" inbetween has muscle. Could this cause him (or her?) to not eat? He is just a baby (not quite sure how old) and is about 8 inches or so long. So is there something wrong that I should be worried about, or is this a reason for him not to eat? Or is he just not hungry? And how long can he go without food before I should be worried?

Thank you!:( :eek:

10-15-2003, 10:49 AM
Young hatchlings can be finicky about eating. An interval of 10-14 days is not a concern. Sometimes they just aren't hungry or may be preparing to shed. I've had a hatchling go more than 8 weeks without eating.

The injury:
What does "a little hurt mean"? Is it a cut or are you referring to the "kink"? Is it possible that the snake always had the kink and you just didn't notice it? Is the "kink" in the vicinity of the tail? Any details you can provide will be helpful. :)

10-15-2003, 01:59 PM
Hello, Cav what exactly is a KINK. I have seen that used lots of times. I am up to 65 babies with not any signs, of what I would consider a KINK. is it a bone, skin or scale deformity? Any effects on health, longevity or breeding? Thanks REG

~Catalina Reina
10-15-2003, 07:42 PM
the little hurt does refer to the kink. The kink is up maybe 1-2in. from his head. And he is getting a little better now I guess, but I dont think it was there before. It doesnt seem to make him any less active (he already likes cold better than warm places in the cage). When he is straight the "kink" isnt visible, but when he tries to turn its like a small section where it stays straighter than the rest of him. He is seeming to get better though. And it doesnt seem to hinder his movement at all. or bother him, but then again I dont know anything about snakes! lol. :D

10-16-2003, 11:24 AM

Here are a couple of pics of kinked snakes:

Kinked tail (http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7930&perpage=10&highlight=Kink*&pagenumber=2)
Another kink pic (http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7359&perpage=10&highlight=Kink*&pagenumber=2)

~Catalina Reina
10-16-2003, 06:57 PM
Maybe I shouldnt use the word kink then, because that isnt what it looks like, he looks perfectly normal, he just doesnt bend properly, and the guy at the pet store that I know said that he should be fine, but the again, I dont know how much he knows about snakes!

~Catalina Reina
10-20-2003, 01:15 AM
do they not eat if they are about to shed? cuz if thats the case thats why he wasnt eatng. . but how long before they shed do they not eat?
(if thats the case)

10-20-2003, 09:26 AM
Some will and some won't. One snake may stop eating 1-2 day before and another may stop a week prior. There is really no standard answer.

~Catalina Reina
10-20-2003, 09:32 AM
ok, thank you, that helps a lot, and i think where he was hurt before is gone now, so ya, I think my snake will be ok! this forum was a trememdous help, thank you all again.