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Eating eggs?

07-25-2009, 09:44 PM
So I am on another forum right now, having a discussion with a girl who feeds her cornsnake eggs? I personally am going to stick with f/t mice.. but I just wanted to know if eggs are healthy for cornsnakes... First thing that comes to my mind is that any regular store bought egg would be too big for a cornsnake.. but maybe she has smaller eggs?

07-25-2009, 10:11 PM
Some people do tube-feed non-feeders egg yolk to try and get them started if they're having a hard time. I've heard of it being done with older snakes, but it's not really something I would do.

07-25-2009, 11:00 PM
when one of my snakes was acting stupid and decided she didnt want to eat f/t hoppers for a while - i put in a dove egg - just to see what would happen, an hour or so later i dicovered that the egg was gone - so either it hatced and flew away or she ate it - that said, i'm glad she's eating f/t hoppers again (maybe the egg jump started her appetitie again)

07-26-2009, 12:22 AM
I haven't heard of the feeding egg yolk thing.. but from what I gathered from this girl, she was feeding her corn exclusively eggs and from the pictures of the corn, it looked to be at least a couple years old.. I guess I just couldn't get over the difference in size of eggs and mice..

07-26-2009, 01:02 AM
I have some deviled eggs tonight with dinner.