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What can i do?

12-29-2003, 08:06 AM
I feed my cornsnake with pinkies,but other than pinkies,what can i feed them with?Can i feed them with chicken meat,pork or other kind of meat?As i am a new beginner in keeping snakes,if my question is too stupid,please bear with me.Thanks! :D

12-29-2003, 08:57 AM
Stay with appropriately sized mice. The nutrition gained from whole prey items is much better than animal parts. (e.g. chicken)

12-29-2003, 07:28 PM
I don't wish to sound rude, but you really need to get a book or two on snake care. The Cornsnake Manual is very good. Anything for sale at your local pet store on snakes in general will cover all basic information such as your question. No, your snake will not eat chicken or pork. Even if ingested, it would be an unhappy digestion proceeding. There are many care sheets available for free on the Internet. I'll be happy to Email you one.