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Shedding question

01-10-2004, 04:25 PM
My snake just shed for the first time since I got her. She seems to have lost all the skin, including the eye caps. She had a bit of residual on her tail, but I soaked it and peeled the rest off. I think she had had an incomplete shed (tail tip) before I got her because the tip of her tail is kind of white and hard. When I finally got the bit of shed that was left off her tail, it has a reddish appearence. I don't know if it's bleeding (it doesn't appear to be) or if it's just red, and very noticeable because she's an albino and the tail area is so slender. Do you think this is something I should put something on, or should I just keep an eye on it to be certain she doesn't develop an infection? She's my first snake, and the shed was a surprise since I never even saw her in a blue phase. I think she went into it sometime after I fed her on Monday. I usually leave her alone for 2-3 days depending on the size of her meal, only lifting her hider cave enough to be sure she hasn't regurged, or is otherwise in trouble. I suspect her eyes cleared before I handled her again. Sneaky girl!! Good eater though. She downed two large fuzzies on Monday before her shed. :)

01-13-2004, 02:26 PM
If there was a bit of residual skin on the tail, it may have contracted enough to squeeze much of the blood out of the affected portion. And once it was off, the blood rushed into that area, making it redder than normal.

My opinion is that all you need do is to keep an eye on the area. She sounds like a good, healthy snake to me, though. Good luck.

01-13-2004, 08:32 PM
Thanks for the reply. I've been keeping an eye on it. She just ate on Sunday though, so I haven't had her out since then. I just check to see that she hasn't regurged or anything. I'll take a look at it tomorrow when I get her out.