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Could my Snake be Dying???

Sorry Darcy :-offtopic

DYK (did you know :p) that heat lamps actually suck the humidity right out of the viv? So, you might actually being doing the exact opposite of what you're going for...

Well there is plenty of condensation in there, so if it is its doing it extreeeeeemely slowly...
COerriccaRN, How is YOUR corn doing? Any way we can get some heat gradient going on there? Maybe you could space your feedings out? Verify elimination prior to more feeding?

Maybe a small UTH/ human heat pad and shims would provide the several-degree change that you need?

Could we get an update on yours?

Mine do something similar periodically, they usually go back to hiding again soon after.

Mine are in racks with heat cable/flexwatt, though, so not precisely the same.

One other thing that wasn't mentioned was the fact that maybe your snake is just comfortable enough to sleep while out of hiding in your room, which is why he isn't moving when you flail at him.

Just a thought.

Well, the heat is about 70-75 in the evening/night when we are home. When we are away its about 75-80.

I have also heard that you don't NEED to provide heat. I have a heat lamp, but we had a quail emergency and I have to use it for them right now. Also, the heat lamps came with my "snake kit." No one told me what I should get, and I have just recently heard about UTH's.

I went and priced some UTH's and they aren't so bad, but the thermostats are. Also, I don't have a job so my parents would have to buy all the supplies. They spent ALOT of money on the snake kit, with lamps and I'm not going to ask them to spend MORE just because I need a UTH... They would never go for that.

My problem with the lamp is 1.) It burns HOLES in the lids I got from Pet-co and my snakes escape. I have already had one escapee for a week and another for about 8 hours. So I don't use them anymore because they are harmful to my snakes. Also, when I use them the snakes stay as far away from the light as possible (low wattage red bulb) so I really don't use them.

An experienced snake keeper told me that he has a two year old corn he has never provided heat for, and she is just fine.

Right now the only thing I can think to do to provide heat it to MAYBE find our old heat blanket in the attic and drape it on top of the Viv??? If I can find it...

Also... just because I made some mistakes doesn't mean I should just give up and re-home my pets. I didn't know anything about snakes when I got them, and I am learning. If everyone gave away their snakes if they made a few mistakes, no one would have snakes. No one!
Back before the thread got dragged off into shrieking-ville, you said Sunny is eating and pooping fine. That's a key determinant - if things are working in that arena, and keep working fine, then there's no need to panic. Be concerned and keep a close eye, for sure! But don't panic.

You don't need a sophisticated thermostat to control the output of any heating device. An $11 lamp cord dimmer from Lowes-Depot and a thermometer to check temps will do just fine. We still haven't turned on the heat for our snakes here in the PRA, and I know it's warmer than we are down Beaumont way. Temps in the snakes' enclosures run right around 80, and everyone is thriving.
I'd say to try weighing the snakes monthly, just before a feed. It will show you if they are growing well.
You don't need a sophisticated thermostat to control the output of any heating device. An $11 lamp cord dimmer from Lowes-Depot and a thermometer to check temps will do just fine. We still haven't turned on the heat for our snakes here in the PRA, and I know it's warmer than we are down Beaumont way. Temps in the snakes' enclosures run right around 80, and everyone is thriving.

I tried the dimmer thing and I cannot, for the life of me, make one of those. I had the detailed instructions and everything but I am TERRIBLE at all that. I have no clue what half the parts are or what they do ect...I'm hopeless when it comes to making one.

Also, buying the actual heating pad is a problem, because its not my money... it's my parents. I know everyone will say I am lazy for not having a job, but I simply do not have time. As I am typing this, I am waiting to finish the next half of a college course quiz online. I never have free time to work, ever. So my parents provide me money. They very graciously bought the snake kit, and heat lamps. So it may be a while before I can get a UTH pad.

Could I use the heat blanket? If I could find one? Or possibly an electric heating pad for sore muscles??
I've got a set of digital kitchen scales, I don't really weigh my snakes very often now unless I'm worried about them, but for the first couple of years I weighed them and tracked their growth.

Oh, are those expensive?
Or possibly an electric heating pad for sore muscles??

You could use one of those with a dimmer cord that is used for lamps to dim the light. That way you could control how hot it got. You'd have to be able to measure the temperature of the substrate in the viv to get the temperature right, though.
You could use one of those with a dimmer cord that is used for lamps to dim the light. That way you could control how hot it got. You'd have to be able to measure the temperature of the substrate in the viv to get the temperature right, though.

The one for sore muscles already has a switch for low/medium/high... the only problem is that it shuts off after 5 hours. That it better than nothing though.
The one for sore muscles already has a switch for low/medium/high... the only problem is that it shuts off after 5 hours. That it better than nothing though.

But all the ones I've found, the low is like 100 or something like that. Too high for corns.
Hmmm, okay. Maybe a heat blanket will be better. I KNOW it doesn't get that high.
Have you measured how high a temperature they reach? Seriously, set up a tub on the blanket and monitor the heat for a few hours, otherwise you can't be sure it would be safe. I'd be worried about thermal blocking causing problems using the blanket.
Have you measured how high a temperature they reach? Seriously, set up a tub on the blanket and monitor the heat for a few hours, otherwise you can't be sure it would be safe. I'd be worried about thermal blocking causing problems using the blanket.

I have to find the thing first =D
Does your blanked plug in to a wall?
Cause you could maybe use a dimmer cord for that as well, in case its too hot.

Its electric...I can't even find it. I think my snakes will be fine without heat until winter. I will have a new blanket or something by then I am sure.
Save up your money, though. They should really have a UTH if at all possible

Ha, how can I save up money if I don't have a job? Believe me, if I had time to have a job I would. I want one, but could only work about an hour one just a few days. I was thinking about selling one of my snakes so I can buy things for my other snakes, but I haven't decided yet.