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  • I just swung by to glance at your profile and saw you are a Whovian as well. :) Would enjoy friending you if you don't mind, especially since you seem quite understanding about newbies. While I have experience around snakes, I am a new owner. Don't worry, I won't bug you repeatedly over mundane simplicities. :)
    Hi, I'm new to this site and corn snakes. I was wondering if you would be able to help me out a bit, we first got a corn on June 25 this year (found her in our wood pile) she is very good and very active we feed her two hoppers a week, last night we were in Toronto and stopped by a reptile store they had a trade in that our 8 year old daughter really wanted he is between 2-5 years old and same size in length as the one we have but is twice the width, we brought him home and wanted to see if they got along so we put them together and with in 10 seconds they were mating is this normal and will that mean she will have baby's ? She is only about 1 thick and someone said she would only be about a year or so old, my wife read that that could really hurt or kill her now we are getting worried, could you help us out with any info or suggestions
    Hey Bitsy I was just wondering if theres a time limit inbetween posting threads I posted one yesterday and the tab to post another has not come back since. I wanted to post the thread to find out what my little Aura is I have had her two weeks and she keeps changing colors, also I rescued her and she was a little malnurished. I believe she is either a lavender stripe or an amber stripe.

    Both were taken today I am puzzled
    Hi. Since you are a corn snake lover, perhaps you can help me with my problem. My corn snake escaped and I was wondering, wheres the BEST place to look and the best way to catch her? Please help me if you can.
    Hi Bitsy, I got a question. I see that you are trying to help Nick_25 with his setup. The question is doesn't Nick_25 need an adapter to get the American T-stat that is 120V to work on UK's 230V power.
    I can hardly catch my breath from LMAO at your GENIUS Lap Giraffe post...omg woman, you're a full blown comedienne. HAAAHHHHHAAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAA
    Also I hope ya don't mind but added you as a friend so I can sponge some of your priceless snake knowledge...
    Cheers for the info bitsy. I just put some pics of Ahyoka (my corn) on my profile if ya wanna look. Also I spotted a group called UK owners which I joined. Not much activity there but hoping it will take off if I keep on plugging it...Lol
    thx bisty ... so in dec and jan do you still keep feeding your corns normally ?? and after the female shed in feb you introduce the male with the female ....... and if the female is gravid you start the process ??
    Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New year. Hope your holidays have been full of enjoyment.
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