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  • Hello, Nancy LeVake advised me that you have the Boot Keys cirns that she used to have. I have been trying to find these for a while now. If you are producing any this year then I would live the opportunity to purcahse a pair. Thank you!!
    You are very close. I did get him from John and I can't wait to get him with my snow, and butter motley girls this year. Next year I hope to have him with a gold dust girl and a reverse okeetee baby. I have not met Travis yet, but John has been great to us.
    I take it you know some Kansas people. You would probably guess right too, I don't think there are a lot of them out there yet.
    Hey John,

    I recently made a deal with Em Wright regarding a 1.0 proven butter stripe corn. Paid her through paypal, and shipping was supposed to take place on Monday, for delivery yesterday (there's a BOI I started on Fauna). I can't get a hold of her - she won't respond to emails, PMs, the BOI, etc.

    Nanci said that you may have a phone number for her? If so, I would greatly appreciate some help with this. I really just want to get in contact with her to sort this whole thing out.


    Nathan Shotts
    Aggieland Reptiles
    Im trying to figure out what youve produced thus far this year. I like surprises, but im nonetheless intrigued. Tomorrow cant get here fast enough.
    LOL.. you're not old. You are only 7 years older than me... and you sound so young on the phone. My daughter is so excited about getting her snake.
    Just an update on the babies you sold me. The boy has started eating in a deli cup like a normal snake should, but sometimes he skips meals. The girl has graduated to double pinks because she never, ever misses a meal. Their diffusion is amazing, I think they are going to be patternless in about 18 months. Thanks so much!
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