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Recent content by cornelius_13

  1. cornelius_13

    will he get "stressed?" if i put him in a bigger tank already??

    he's about a foot long.. and as wide as my pink sorta... i got a 20 gallon tank.. and he seems a little cramped in the one he's in now. i heard they get stressed if the tank is too big.. is that true? :shrugs:
  2. cornelius_13

    yay!! Cornelius finaly had a COMPLETE shed!!

    sorry i have no pics of it yet.. :eek1: but would just like you guys to know because last time he didnt fully shed and i struggled to help him out.. but yah.. im soo happy :dancer:
  3. cornelius_13

    does anything bad happen if theres TOO MUCH humidity??

    because sometimes.. i get a little spray happy when im misting my snakes tank.. :shrugs:
  4. cornelius_13

    Is it true??

    albinos eyes are more sensitive?? by me taking pictures of my corn snake.. does the flash hurt his eyes?
  5. cornelius_13

    Video of Cornelius himself !!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnzwNITwUxA please ignore the backround music.. its some commercial for kids.. lol..
  6. cornelius_13

    Lot's of pictures of my Cornelius!! Lets see yours?!!!

    you can tell he isnt fully shed do you like his pattern?
  7. cornelius_13

    Cornelius still hasnt FULLY shedded yet

    i did the thing where i put him in a container with a towel and water.. but it didnt help.. he has tiny little skin flakes all over.. what to do? :shrugs:
  8. cornelius_13

    I'm learning more & more everyday!!

    :crazy02: first.. i didnt know that they need to be misted (dumb huh?) then.. i found out i had the wrong tank size.. i had so many others things.. but today.. i finally actually have complete understanding about the "heating situations" i stuck my temps, on the wall of the tank.. instead...
  9. cornelius_13

    im here again!! lol.. whats the correct spot to place your thermometers?

    your hydro. and thermometer.. mine is in the top left corner.. by the heat lamp.. is this wrong and is it still reading the correct temp. ??
  10. cornelius_13

    what happens if your tank is "too small"

    will it have an effect on the snake?? :flames: just wondering because im curious :smash: lol
  11. cornelius_13


    okay.. first, i had an under tank heater that kept my tanks temp. at 70 so now, i bought a lamp. its working great.. the normal heating should be 75-80 right?? heres a pic of my corn.. not sure how old he is though http://i28.tinypic.com/2dqj3n.jpg
  12. cornelius_13

    just one pic of Cornelius again =]

    :dancer: in the middle of completing his bad shed though =/
  13. cornelius_13

    incomplete shedding advice?!!! (picture) again..

    i posted almost the same thing yesterday.. and i tried this.. putting a little bit of water and this cloth.. i did this yesterday for about ten minutes.. and today i noticed he still isnt fully shed. so im doing it again.. is this right? does he look good? :shrugs:
  14. cornelius_13

    my Albino.. Cornelius

    sorry.. isnt that good of pictures.. i will post better ones later <33.
  15. cornelius_13

    bad/incomplete shed... does he look good? (picture)

    :dancer: i followed that one users advice and i filled up the container a liitle bit with water.. and put that cloth.. does he look good to you? he wasnt fully shedded.. but now.. he looks decent?